Service Information
Cardiorespiratory Diagnostics-Holter Monitoring
North Wellington Health Care - Palmerston & District Hospital
Category: Cardiorespiratory Diagnostics
Mon-Fri - 1pm at the laboratory
Service Details

A Holter monitor is a machine that continuously records the heart's rhythms. The monitor is usually worn for 24 - 48 hours during normal activity.Electrodes (small conducting patches) are stuck onto your chest and attached to a small recording monitor. You carry the Holter monitor in a pocket or small pouch worn around your waist. The monitor is battery operated.While you wear the monitor, it records your heart's electrical activity

Languages: English
Cost to Client:
Eligibility Criteria
Dr. Referral required.
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Inquiry Phone: 519-343-2030 ext 4233
Referral Contact Information
Referral Instructions:
Physician referral required. Appointments available through Caredove or by calling the laboratory at 519-343-2030 ext 4233.** 48 HOUR MONITORS REQUIRE BOOKING 2 CONSECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS.
Other Services Offered by North Wellington Health Care - Palmerston & District Hospital
North Wellington Health Care - Palmerston & District Hospital provides 19 services in 17 categories

Bone Mineral Densitometry
1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
Mon-Fri 1030-2000

Cardiorespiratory Diagnostics
2 services

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
Bookings as required
500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada

Dental Surgeon
1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
As needed (usually once per month)

Dietitian Consultation
1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
Mon/Wed 8-4, Tues 10-6, Thurs 8-12

1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
1st Wednesday each month

1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
Wednesdays-consults and Surgery

General Surgeon
1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
Wed/Fri- Consults and surgery

Health Education Classes
2 services

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
Mon/Wed 8-4, Tues 10-6
500 Whites Road, Palmerston, Ontario, Canada
Mon 8-4, Tues 10-6, Wed - Fri 8-4

Internal Medicine
1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
Monthly On Thursdays

Laboratory Services
1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
Outpatients Mon-Fri 0800-1600

1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada

Orthopedic Surgeon
1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
3rd Thurdsay monthly

1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, Ontario, Canada

Plain Radiography (X-Ray)
1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
Outaptients: Mon- Fri 0800-2000

Speech-Language Rehabilitation Clinic
1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Spiritual Care
1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, Ontario, Canada

1 service

500 Whites Road, Palmerston, ON, Canada
Mon-Fri 0830-1530