This listing and referral is for CRISIS CLEANS only. Crisis cleans are only considered when the physical condition of the applicant's household poses a serious and immediate threat to the household's safety and/or housing stability.
Please indicate on the referral if you also like the individual added to the general waitlist (3-4 year wait; consider other supports in the interim).
The Homemaking Support Services Program (HSSP) provides in-home homemaking services for individuals with limited financial resources who need support to remain independent in their home and to maintain housing stability. The program is administered by the Region of Waterloo, homemaking support services are contracted through local agencies.
Please request consent to include an email address (client's or their alternate contact's) in the Caredove referral as an email will automatically be sent confirming that the crisis clean request was made, and that the client was added to the HSSP waitlist (if applicable).
- Resident of Waterloo Region
- Physical condition of the applicant's household poses a serious and immediate threat to the household's safety and/or housing stability
- Client does not have the financial means to pay for a crisis/heavy clean, and all other funding sources have been explored (e.g. cost sharing among support agencies, client and family).
- Willing to disclose financial & health information relevant to establishing eligibility for services (i.e. receiving social assistance, disability or seniors' pension).
- Client and referral source have arranged for ongoing supports to maintain home environment that will begin shortly after crisis clean.
- Unable to or have difficulty participating in homemaking tasks, and require the services of a homemaker
- Attach a photograph of the health and safety hazard on the following page in order to be considered, and potentially prioritized for a crisis clean