Service Information
Inquiry Phone: 1 (613) 722-6521Ext: 6976
Available 8:00am - 4:00pm, Mon - Fri
Website: Visit Us
The Royal - Sexual Behaviours Clinic
Royal Ottawa - Hospital Central Intake
Mental Health Clinic
Target Population: Adults
Initial contact within 8 weeks; physician assessment ~10 months
Service Details
-Assessment/consultation and treatment
-Serves primarily Adults with actual or potential sex-related offences (criminal charges not required). Some youth referrals are accepted on consultation
-Will accept any concerns of a sexual nature. Individuals with non-criminal sexual interests or behaviours may also be referred to this clinic.
- If a self-referral for SBC- assess level of risk first; fast track the referral and advise client to see GP for referral;
Required to have PCP but PCP referral not required for first visit
English, French
Eligibility Criteria
Other Criteria:
Maximum Age:
65 yrs
Minimum Age:
18 yrs
Referral from Primary Care Provider is attached