Service Information
Adopt-a-Grandparent Program
Home and Community Support Services of Grey Bruce
Category: Friendly Visiting
Penpal Program
Service Details

The Adopt-a-Grandparent Pen Pal Program is a branch of our Friendly Visiting Department at HCSS. We have created this program to join the younger and older generations to help minimize isolation and loneliness among our most vulnerable population. Inter-generational communication helps to encourage hopefulness and offers all participants the benefits of community connection.

This program matches a family/student with an isolated senior (Grandparent). One letter is exchanged monthly. HCSS provides all necessary stationary, postage, and supplies needed to participate in this program. These items, along with other valuable information, are included in our Welcome Package once one is enrolled in the program.

Languages: English
Cost to Client:
No Cost
Eligibility Criteria
Isolated Seniors
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