Dental Clinic
Providing a full range of dentistry services in a clinic setting. Services may include cleaning, teeth repair, x-rays, oral surgeries and denture fittings.
Fitness Group
Exercise sessions where participants develop physical fitness and/or skills within a defined sport. May be either beginners or advanced.
Health Education Classes
Provides education to participants to make choices that may improve wellness or reduce risks of disease. May focus on specific diseases or specific lifestyle issues (e.g. healthy eating).
Memory Clinic
A service specializing in the assessment and diagnosis of memory disorders cause like Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Involves a multidisciplinary team of staff.
Multi-Use Recreation Facility
A publicly accessible facility that includes indoor features such as pool, track, gym, meeting rooms, rink, aerobics room, weight room, concession area.
Supervised Rehabilitation Exercise
Exercise programs delivered with the support of certified professionals. Programs include a mix of education and exercise. May be focused on specific chronic disease. Often done in community, post rehabilitation.
Support Group
In-person meetings where members provide each other with help for a particular life challenge. Often involves relating personal experiences and providing sympathetic understanding. May be clinician or volunteer-led.