Adult Skills Training
Provides education sessions for adults that focus on topics including basic literacy, computer skills, and resume development.
Group Dining
Serves nutritionally balanced lunches, or dinners, in a social group environment.
Health Education Classes
Provides education to participants to make choices that may improve wellness or reduce risks of disease. May focus on specific diseases or specific lifestyle issues (e.g. healthy eating).
Individual/ Family Counselling
Guidance or advice aimed at better managing a challenging situation or to resolve personal problems. Includes mental health and addictions counselling.
Other Services
Other unique and uncommon services.
Social Activity
Social programs that help keep people engaged with their friends or community. Activities are usually 1-3 hours and are often recreational. Programs may be offered virtually.
Wellness Clinic
Services provided by a clinician to monitor health and wellness. (e.g., blood pressure monitoring, medication review, glucose and cholesterol monitoring, injections, flu shots etc)