Adult Day Program
Provides a daytime group environment of supervised activities, meals, companionship and recreation for older adults and those with chronic or palliative conditions.
Health Education Classes
Provides education to participants to make choices that may improve wellness or reduce risks of disease. May focus on specific diseases or specific lifestyle issues (e.g. healthy eating).
Hospital Transition to Home SupportProvided at homeProvides assistance when moving from a hospital stay back to home. May include assistance with transportation, home configuration, shopping and finding other services to help.
Meals on WheelsProvided at homeDelivers a nutritionally balanced noon hour hot meal by volunteers who provide a social contact and a safety check for the client. Special diets may be accommodated. Frozen meals may be available.
Personal Support ServicesProvided at homeHelp with a range of essential daily activities that help maintain physical well-being. Includes washing and bathing, mouth and hair care. Help with transferring to chairs, dressing, eating, and toileting.
Rides & TransportationProvided at homeProvides door-to-door rides for seniors or adults who have a disability to attend medical and therapeutic appointments, social activities and perform other daily tasks such as shopping trips.
Seniors Gentle Exercise (In-Home)Provided at homeProvides exercise to improve cardio respiratory levels, muscular strength and balance. Available in the client's home.
Seniors Gentle Exercise Class
Provides group exercise classes, typically one hour in length, to improve strength and balance. Education provided to reduce risk of falls.
VolunteeringProvided at homeSee available volunteer opportunities at this agency
Home Address
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392 Main St. N, Mount Forest392 Main St. N, Mount Forest
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